I Am Not Standard Size Part 2

SO , mesh …the fashion fubar of Second Life. It’s a love hate thing for many avatars in Second Life. Mesh clothes do not fit all even though there are 5 standard size option that are lovely if you want to look like this ……

you are golden and blissfully happy and can stop reading right now and merrily enjoy your Second Life.  If this is not the look you had hoped for please read on.

The golden child and design of mesh deformer, yeah …..it’s what year 2 of development for that?  How many of you contributed funds to that fiasco?

Here are some links for you to follow and read if you are interested in the mesh deformer, personally I am no longer interested .






Today I tried a designers outfit that just released for Lola Tango appliers. I have huge love for this designers fashions, the tango applier worked perfectly . The rest of the outfit was ….mesh. I held my breath and jumped into my smallest sized avatar, choose the XXL size from the folder and even on my smallest the XXL was still too small. So I snapped some photos and sent them along to the designer and she was to my surprise immediately in touch with me, she was kind and helpful and guided me in sizing my avatar to properly fit into the mesh.

So I love her fashion style and designs, I got great customer support and she was kind enough to walk through the proper avatar digits with me.

This is the correct shape digits.

correct shape_002

(totally raw unedited)

The corset did fit perfectly to be sure in this shape.

I left my belly chain on so you could get an idea of my day-to-day size.

This was the smallest avatar in my inventory. This is where I started with XXL size corset .

xxl mesh size smallest shape_001

xxl smallest shape_003

My normal daily shape.

xxl everyday shape_001

xxl everyday shape_002

I don’t want to look like a small teen girl running around in her mothers fancy under things.

So as much as I totally love this designer I just wont be buying mesh from her store, I will hope appliers will be made for her non mesh clothes.


One thought on “I Am Not Standard Size Part 2

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